Public relations

Build Brand Awareness

Client wanted to announce release of new EP, build brand awareness and grow his audience with these efforts.

Processed client request in a timely manner by coordinating details to announce release of new EP. I wrote the press release, booked client to interview at 3 college radio stations and identified contest and award opportunities. Provided coverage for client as needed

We collaborated with PR Web to distribute the press release, I researched contest and award opportunities for client to participate in, identified rules and submission instructions, made initial contact via phone, email, and submission.


Music Project


Radio Interviews

KJCC Radio Interview

KSJS Radio Interview

KCRH Radio Interview


Awards + Competitions

Client Earned 2nd Place in Billboard / Starmaker360 Song Contest - Hip Hop Category

Client Nominated for Independent Music Award - Holy Hip Hop Category


Press Release

Tarelle Butts © 2018