jalen brusen
clear the shelters


Jalen Brunson, Clear the Shelters Interview with NBCUniversal

Gather information about Jalen Brunson's journey to the NBA, and his relationship with his dog, Kona, to support NBCUniversal's Clear the Shelters segment.


IdentifIed specific examples of how Jalen Bruson’s dog has enriched his life and made him a better person. This helped to illustrate the benefits of pet ownership and inspired viewers to consider adopting a pet.

Watch the video

Jalen Brunson with wife and dog

Jalen Brunson, Clear the Shelters


Jalen Brunson Clear the Shelters Research

Jalen Brunson Clear the Shelters Research

Jalen Brunson Clear the Shelters Research

Jalen Brunson Clear the Shelters Research

Jalen Brunson Clear the Shelters Research

Tarelle Butts © 2018